Selecting New Windows For Your Home

Issues That External Shutters Can Resolve

by Frederick Stanley

One way to update your home's exterior so that it's more attractive and comfortable is to install exterior shutters. These coverings can resolve several other issues you might be experiencing, as explained below.

Fading, Patchy Furniture

One problem with the sun beaming through your windows is the damage it does to beautiful furnishings and fabrics. UV light fades and discolours rugs, sofas, and curtains. Carpet can particularly suffer as distinct patches fade more than others, so the flooring has an irregular appearance. By installing external shutters, you'll have control of light flow. You can angle the louvres to direct rays upwards, or else close the shutters entirely for a time while the sun is at a certain angle. Thus, your lovely furniture won't be wrecked.

Hot Indoors

Another issue you can resolve with external shutters is a stuffy hot indoor climate in summer. Radiant heat that penetrates windows warms the objects and furniture in the room, such as flooring, tables, couches and the like. These items then re-radiate heat within the room. Such re-radiated warmth has longer light waves that can't easily exit back out of the glass window, so the room becomes hotter and stuffier as the incoming heat is trapped inside. The best way to resolve this is to cover the windows with shutters. Light coloured coverings, in particular, will reflect the heat away, and you'll benefit with a fresher home. You'll also be able to turn down the air conditioner and save on energy bills.

No Privacy

If you live in a city area or on a busy street, you might like to open your curtains and blinds at times to enjoy the sunshine. However, you shouldn't need to choose between privacy and illumination which you may have to in some circumstances. External shutters can help resolve this dilemma as they allow for controlled light flow. You can angle the blades upwards to let light into the room while hindering the view from outdoors. Passersby will only see the angled louvres, and not what you're doing or working on.

Boring Facade

Do you consider your home to be nondescript or else feel that it could benefit from a facelift? External shutters are one way to achieve a more attractive home. The repeating blades impart a textured decorative effect that draws attention to each window. Thus, you can add accents to enhance the overall facade without a major painting job or reroofing. Blend the hues of the shutters with the walls and trim, or create contrast with a standout colour.

For more information, contact an exterior shutters service.
